DanAvl is managed by the “Danish Pig Research Centre” and has a board that consists partly of representatives of pig producer associations in Denmark and from the associations “Danske Slagterier” (Danish Slaughterhouses), “Dansk Landbrug” (Danish Farmers Association), “Danske Svineproducenter” (Danish Pig Producers), and partly composed of pig producers, who have joined of their own volition. That makes DanAvl the pig producers’ breeding system.
DanAvl is an open system, in which all parties involved are obliged to adhere to common rules that are established by the “Danish Pig Research Centre”. All parties involved with the breeding system have signed a contract with the research centre. The system is open to all who can adhere to the common rules. This openness ensures healthy competition between the different parties involved in DanAvl and is one of the foundation stones for the success of the DanAvl system. Internal competition within the system ensures that all parties involved perform optimally.
Outside of the pure breeding, the people involved in the system also perform activities related to marketing, sales and distribution of breeding material.